Everyday Essentials
CourseThe 5 essential somatic practices to help you build a more robust nervous system. Learn practical ways to experience intensity without shutting down, recover after challenge, and stay present in your body. A perfect starting point for women ready
Gift Habits
CourseTransform your wellbeing and reconnect to feeling whole, vibrant and joyful with your own set of Gift Habits. Learn how to build self trust, self love and an integrated way of living through practices that are easy and joyful to do.
The 6AM series
CourseAcross five mornings I'll teach you the simplest somatic practices that support and expand the capacity of your nervous system in just 15 minutes per day. So you can feel grounded, calm, clear and coherent amidst the chaos.
Learn to Track Your Body
CourseDo you want to recognise what’s happening inside, so it matches how you respond on the outside? Tailored to mums, working women and care-givers just like you who are longing for their own nurturing and support in their daily lives.
What's Next? - Re-imagining your working life
CourseIf you're longing to change how your work life looks and feels, but not sure where to start, this tiny course is for you. This simple 5 day writing challenge will help you to create your own guide rails for decision making and action taking.